Prepare a report based on transmission line network in West Bengal
Name of the Activity:
Prepare a report based on transmission line network in West Bengal
West Bengal State Electricity
Transmission Company Limited (WBSETCL) exist to
transmit power from generating stations to load centres through transmission
corridors in accordance with standards set down in The Grid Code for the
development of the state in particular and the nation in general. They use
their assets and resources efficiently, coordinate between Grid Users and
ensure Grid Discipline. They receive load forecast from the distribution
companies and carry our planning, for future load growth and necessary
construction and augmentation of the network and undertake preventive and
restorative maintenance. In return they receive transmission and System
Operation Charges; At the Present Time they are a reliable, strong
and steady organization, but rather slow. They are team workers, methodical,
plan for the future, are regimented and hard working.